Bills & Payments

Tariff & Rates

Note: The following tariff rates are approved by the government in accordance with section 13 of Gas Supply Act 1993.

Tariff Category Annual Gas Consumption (in MMBtu) Current Base Tariff (RM/MMBtu) Current Tariff After Surcharge Base Tariff
For Period
1 January-30 June 2019
Tariff After Surcharge For Period
1 January-30 June 2019
A Residential 23.03 23.80 23.49 23.72
B 0-600 29.73 30.50 30.35 30.58
C 601 – 5,000 29.88 30.65 30.51 30.74
D 5,001 – 50,000 30.19 30.96 30.81 31.04
E 50,001 – 200,000 31.49 32.26 32.15 32.38
F 200,001 – 750,000 31.49 32.26 32.15 32.38
L Above 750,000 32.55 33.32 33.23 33.46
Average 31.92 32.69 32.69 32.92

LPG Pricing

Please call our Customer Care unit at 1-300-88-4276, for Residential and Retail Commercial latest pricing.