Natural gas
Supply Concept
Our natural gas supply is sourced from PETRONAS via Petronas Gas Berhad’s Peninsular Gas Utilisation pipeline. The natural gas is supplied to us through the City Gate Stations. As part of the safety requirements, at each City Gate Station, odorant is injected into the gas. From thereon, natural gas is distributed throughout our Natural Gas Distribution System (“NGDS”) via feeder lines and distributions lines located throughout Peninsular Malaysia.
Depending on the volume of natural gas and its pressure requirements, the pressure in these pipelines is reduced at district stations, service stations, area stations or regulating stations. Once the gas pressure has been reduced to the appropriate level, subsequently it is delivered to the customer’s internal piping system.
The delivery of natural gas, from the city gates to our customers via our NGDS is depicted in the operation process flow below:
Gas Supply Schematic
Peninsular Gas Utilisation (PGU)
The PGU project which commenced in 1984 is the longest in Malaysia spanning more than 2,500km. It comprises mainly of gas transmission pipelines, supply pipelines and lateral pipelines. The system comprises six gas-processing plants with a combined capacity of 2,000 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) producing methane, ethane, propane, butane and condensate. The PGU is owned by PETRONAS and operated by PGB.
City Gate Station
Stations with pressure-regulating and gas metering facilities located just off the Peninsular Gas Utilisation pipeline which is owned by PETRONAS. These stations are linked to our NGDS where the gas pressure of 500 – 800 psi is reduced to 260 psi. They act as transfer points for natural gas between our NGDS and the PGU. There are 38 City Gate Stations across Peninsular Malaysia.
Odoriser Station
Stations with an odorant dispensing facility located immediately after City Gate Stations. This is where an odorant such as mercaptan is injected into the gas to odorise it so as to meet safety requirements. As natural gas is colourless and odourless, the odorant is added to provide a distinctive odour to the gas to enable readily detection of leaked gas in the environment.
Feeder Line
This gas pipeline is made of carbon steel. It distributes Natural Gas at the pressure of 150~260 psi from the City Gate Stations to the service line of District Stations and Service Stations. These pipes usually reside on Government’s road reserves.
District Station
Stations with pressure regulating facility, where the natural gas pressure from the Feeder Line is reduced from 150~260 psi to approximately 50 psi before entering the Distribution Line.
Distribution Line
The gas pipeline is mainly made of polyethylene. It distributes natural gas with pressure measuring 35~50 psi from the District Stations to the service line of Area Stations, Regulating Stations and Service Stations. These pipes also reside on Government’s road reserves.
Service Station
Stations with pressure regulating and gas metering facilities, in which the natural gas pressure from either the Feeder Lines or the Distribution Lines, is reduced to the correct level before being supplied to industrial and commercial customers. They act as transfer points between our pipelines and the customer’s internal piping system.
Regulating Station
Stations with pressure regulating facility, in which the natural gas pressure from the Distribution Line is reduced from 35~50 psi to 4.3 psi before being supplied to commercial customers.
Area Station
Stations with pressure regulating facility, in which the natural Gas pressure from the Distribution Line is reduced from 35~50 psi to 0.43 psi before being supplied to residential customers.